Seven Dispensations of Time

1. Innocence (Genesis1:1-3:21): From the creation to the fall of man. We don’t know how long this period lasted.

2. Conscience (Genesis 3:22-7:23) 1,656 years: From the fall of man to the flood. Man became aware of his nakedness and sinfulness.

3. Human Government (Genesis 8:20-11:9) 429 years: From the flood to Abraham. As the earth repopulates, cities and communities develop along with governments and societies.

4. Promise (Genesis 11:9-Exodus 19) 430 years: From Abraham to the giving of the Law. God called a man named Abram out of a city named Ur to follow after Him. He promises to make Abram the father of many nations and changes his name to Abraham.

5. Law (Exodus 20-Gospels) 1,524 years: From the giving of the Law until the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Also known as the time of Israel. This is the time where God dealt with mankind through His chosen people, Israel, and through the law of Moses. This dispensation had a predetermined length of time.

6. Grace/Church Age (Acts 1- Current Day) 2,000 years: From the Resurrection until the Rapture. We are currently in the Church Age, commissioned to go into all the world and preach the Gospel of Salvation to every creature. Under this dispensation, God is dealing with mankind though His chosen people, the Church, and through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

7. Millennial Kingdom/Reign of Christ 1,000 years: The 1,000 year reign of Christ. This Millennial Kingdom is Christ’s Kingdom.